

Looking for the God Moment

Have any “God moments" lately?
We’ve been talking about allowing God to plan our day, then looking for Him throughout the day in the little things.
I give my problems over to God—for if He is my King, and I serve Him, then they are really His problems.
See Do You Have Your Son-Glasses On? and Looking for God in Every Moment
So how are you doing?

I wanted to share with you some of those moments that have solved some great problems for me.
And at the end of the article, in the comment section, if you would like to share one of yours that would be great!

I’ve written before about the dangers of electronics. 
I’ve talked about how we limit it for our boys.
Lately, I was just tired of fighting to enforce our rules.
We had allowed our youngest to take my I-pad with him for two weeks to use as a phone while visiting away from us. It can call through the viber app.
When he returned, he kept it, instead of giving it to me every night and asking to use it through the day. He felt entitled to “own” it.
He’d give excuses—he was reading an e-book or looking at pictures to draw, though I never saw the drawings
My husband was leaving. And I didn’t want to fight over rules with this child again.

A friend mentioned how their son had become engrossed in a texting virtual date on line.
The dangers became more real.
My son mentioned movies he wanted to see.
We don’t go to movies.
Where did he see them?
He responded they were just previews on an ad.

I was convicted in my parental duties to try again, but knew what we had been doing wasn’t enough.
I also was concerned by this son who thought he worked all day, when I only required an hour before I was too tired to supervise.

The God moment:
I was playing the piano, trying to concentrate on the words of the hymns, when the answer came.

If I only allow him to have my I-pad the amount of time he worked for me, he would not be on it all the time!
When he works for me, I set the timer.
When he uses the I-pad, I set my timer. 
There is no “I didn’t know the time” excuses. Nor do I forget.
The timer tells us no lies.
I don’t count when he’s on the phone with his brothers. 
Nor do I count the few minutes he checks if someone answers his text.
The I-pad stays in my room at these times.

What a simple answer!
Thank you Jesus!

My son is also learning the value of work—well maybe.
He asked the other day if I could “gift him an hour on the I-pad.”
“What do you mean ‘gift’?”
“Well, give me an hour.”
“That you didn’t work?”
“Well, you know, …”
I answered, “If you work more than an hour—which I do have more jobs than an hour, but I can only push you to do only an hour’s worth of work, then you would have more than an hour on the I-pad.”
End of subject.

Maybe he is learning that he doesn’t work all day.
Maybe he is learning consequences.
And enforcement is so much easier—he determines who much time he can have it.
Nor do I "gift" him any extra time.
I am not the bad parent for restricting him. 

Another God Moment 
A son had planned to pick me up in his semitruck and take me to CA.
After his boss had consented months before, he changed his mind and no longer allowed him the truck, nor the time off.
My son didn’t want me to come when he couldn’t spend time with him.
Looked like the trip was cancelled.

The God moment:
It was again while playing the piano that God told me to fly both ways.
What about the time with my son?
While there, I'd go with my son on a few of his day truck runs, that way we would be able to visit.

Why didn't I think of it?

Those God moments come when I am seeking His face, not worried about the problems, and being still enough to listen to His small, quiet voice.
God’s answers seem obvious but at the time weren’t apparent to me. 
I can only attribute them as His answers.
And I can give Him the thanks and glory for them.

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Here's my sister's God moments. They live in Canada and farm and ranch.
Taken one at a time, they look hard but looking back and seeing it all, they still look hard, but shows God is working.

We got quite the hail storm on July 11.
Since then the enormity of the drought and crop loss was making my head spin.
The bailing tractor broke down and that required another $20,000 to repair.
My head was spinning until it wasn't.
God is in the details.
The Saskpower repair truck was in the yard today.
Guess the hail knocked out our meter.
We got the last few month of power free.

I write about what you---
women, wives and moms---
about your family, faith and future.
I write about what's hard, what helps and what heals.
I show you how it's done. And not done.
I hold your hand as you find what matters to the Savior.
And let go of those things that mattered to you, but not to Him.
I write about what Him.
               Sonya Contreras

Author of Biblical fiction, married to my best friend, and challenged by eight sons’ growing pains as I write about what matters.