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Cutting Costs with DIY Cleaning
Want to save money on things you use everyday?
Look at pinterest for more details and explanations or variations of these recipes.
(I know, some of those Pinterest suggestions are not realistic, I've tried these. They do help.)
These recipes are great for those with allergies, baby sensitivities, and those who desire to save A LOT (who doesn’t?).
DIY Hand Soap
¼ c Castile* Soap
1 c boiled water
1-2 squirts of avocado, olive or other oil (If a moisturizing soap is desired.)
20-30 drops of essential oil (i.e. lavender, If scent is desired.)
Gently give it a shake.
This will be runnier than other soaps, but can be used in a foaming soap dispenser to thicken.
It will produce lather, but not like what you may be used to.
*I purchase Castile Soap by the gallon.
DIY Laundry Soap
2 parts (or cup) washing soda (Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda, not baking soda)
2 parts (or cup) Borax (20 Mule Team Borax)
1 part (or cup) grated Fels-Naptha (can grate it or use a food-processor)
Another recipe adds baking soda (in addition to the washing soda) and uses the entire boxes of washing soda and Borax).
55 oz Washing Soda
4 lb box Baking Soda
76 oz box Borax
2 bars, (they use Zote Soap, again same principle).
When they pulverize the Fels-Naptha or Zote Soap in the food processor, add baking soda to prevent the Fels-Naptha from clumping in a big mass.
Recommended amount per load: ¼ c.
Shows how much normal laundry detergent is fillers and fragrances.
DIY Damp Rid
This one I have not tried yet, but is on my list to do.
(This was a new requirement when we moved to VERY HIGH HUMIDITY.
Without Damp Rid, the air smelled musty and grew mold. (This is in addition to having fans on all the time.)
I change out the crystals every two weeks.
Calcium Chloride is the active ingredient in Damp Rid.
Purchase in bulk. When you open it, be prepared to put in smaller containers so it won’t be activated by air contact.
This link https://www.pinterest.com/pin/551902129348296715/?nic_v3=1amY9eYcy shows how to make your own containers to allow the calcium chloride to drip from one container into another as it absorbs moisture.
I started using Damp Rid containers and refilling them. That became expensive, even with refills.
(I have one in every cupboard, on most window sills and under beds and in safes (so ammo doesn’t be ruined) and must refill every 2 weeks.
But I reuse the containers made for this.
Dispose of the liquid like Damp Rid recommends—flush in toilet or down sink with running water.
Hand Soap Bars
See this Making Soap article, where I've explained in detail how to make soap from lye and fat.
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I write about what matters...to you---
women, wives and moms---
about your family, faith and future.
I write about what's hard, what helps and what heals.
I show you how it's done. And not done.
I hold your hand as you find what matters to the Savior.
And let go of those things that mattered to you, but not to Him.
I write about what matters...to Him.
Sonya Contreras
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Author of Biblical fiction, married to my best friend, and challenged by eight sons’ growing pains as I write about what matters.
What great ideas. I'm going to share the Damp Rid one with my cousin in TN. There are so many good points about living in the East, but the humidity to me is a killer. Must have my DRY heat. Thanks Sonya for sharing, I hope to be catching up on your blogs in the next days.